When you start something new, there’s a fear that you won’t finish.
Often, in order to avoid failure, you don’t even start … not considering that “failure to try” is worse than “failure to finish.”
If you feel that God has called you to undertake a task, but you’re afraid you might not succeed, you need to obey anyway.
In fact, if the task before you feels too big, that may be a good indication that it’s something you should pursue. In his book “Experiencing God,” Henry Blackaby says that “when God calls a person to join Him in a God-sized task, faith is always required. Obedience indicates faith in God.”
Do not be afraid.
Do not quit.
Do not lose hope.
Focus on the goal before you, and “run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1b)
God loves you. He is for you. Seek Him, and move forward in faith, as He leads.
Do not fear what the future may hold.
Trust God because He holds the future.