Your Calling

We expect people to act the same way we would act.

We each have received a calling, and we mistakenly impose our calling onto other people.

We criticize and judge others because they aren’t living up to the calling we have received.

You must seek the Lord, and listen to His voice, and obey what He says. Do not impose your calling onto others, and do not impose others’ calling onto yourself.

“When Peter saw him, he asked “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” John 21:21-22

Who is Righteous?

Who is righteous? How do we become righteous?

Not by works, but by the power of God.

The death and resurrection of Jesus makes it possible that we are righteous – not by works, but by faith.

And as we walk in faith, we must not walk in darkness, but to walk in the Light.

We put on the righteousness of Christ, and we must be diligent to not take it off.

Walk with a continual awareness that you are wearing the righteousness of Christ.

It is not about your efforts or abilities.

You are righteous because Christ made you so, and as you walk in Him, He makes you a fertile soil for His Spirit to dwell.

Confess and Be Healed

Sin separates us from God.

Not just for eternity, but here and now.

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

But who is righteous? He who does not sin.

If you want to walk with the Lord, and for your prayers to be powerful and effective, and for your life to be used by God, you need to be holy as the Lord is holy.

God can use (and does use) sinful people, but if you are walking in sin, then you are walking in darkness, and the light of God will be hidden.

We mistakenly become legalistic and obsessed with rules and laws, and focus on works.

Works and rules obviously do not earn salvation for us, but we mistakenly elevate obedience to become performance-based.

In reality, however, we do not earn anything, but we make ourselves more usable.

So placing emphasis on what we do will directly impact how we live.

Do you want the Spirit of God to indwell you, and to impart wisdom, and speak to you and through you with power and effectiveness? Be a righteous man.

You do not need to be a perfect man, because only Jesus was perfect. But do not live in sin. Do not walk in sin. Do not continue to sin.

Confess your sins and be healed.

Confess your sins and be purified.

Confess your sins and be filled.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

Fertile Soil

Seek the presence of the Spirit of God, and focus on being faithful to Him.

Listen to His voice, and follow His commands.

As you seek Him and draw close to Him, and He purifies your heart and mind, you will walk in His will, without even knowing specifically what His will is.

It begins with making your life fertile soil for His Spirit to grow.

Cultivate the soil by practicing the presence of God.